Public Speaking

Inspiring Your Organizations & Events

Stories fuel inspiration! They stick in our memories, make us laugh, make us cry, and ultimately, stories make us act.

Capturing and being able to share stories is one of the skills that make for incredibly effective leaders in their communities. The ability to truly hear people when they are sharing stories, recount the stories that will resonate with your community, and share them in a way that motivates and inspires those around you all make for someone who can elevate their cause and their community.

Throughout the varied experiences of running nonprofits and startups, raising capital, and building community, Jonathan can share stories that are both emotional and factual, relevant and uplifting. If you are planning a conference, annual meeting, or event and want to have someone speak to how your organization or community can grow, consider having Jonathan come to share some of the stories and backing evidence that has had an incredible impact on his endeavors and can be astonishingly influential for your community.

Some of the keynotes that Jonathan can present include:

  • Inspiring a community to see what’s possible
  • Making philanthropy fun – putting the FUN in Fundraising
  • Building development through an engaged donor base
  • Inspired building (metaphorical and physical building)

Galvanize Your Next Event

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

– Maya Angelou © 2022
Serving Communities Globally